
Saturday, September 11, 2010


Karma is interesting. When we don`t forgive a person for their terrible atrocities then we create a karmic loop with them. You come back in the next life for revenge then they come back in the proceeding life for revenge on you and the loop begins. One does not remember their past lives therefor this ridiculous loop continues life time after life time until all parties have forgiven each other. One does not have to forgive the behavior but forgive the ignorance. The `abuser`learned such behavior from their own personal pain or from  brainwashing. Their ignorance is to be pitied. To feel indifference and releasing anger is the `victims`Karmic freedom. Keeping attached to anger and hatred forever keeps an energy connection to the abuser`and drains the,`victim.`
In Karmic looping they are both the abuser and the victim.
`Love thy enemy, `has a completely  new understanding.
Think a ahead towards your next life!      Do you want your next life easy or full of revengeful enemies.
Curses are even better. If you curse someone then you are reborn into the family you cursed to live out the very curse you placed. When you are cursing another you are actually cursing yourself and therefor to release the curse you must forgive yourself.
Compassion and kindness create excellent Karmic points for Eternity!  I`d say that is a great return policy.

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