
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Auras and Chakras

The outer layer of the body has many different surrounding colours created from heat and energy fields leaving the body. This energy creates different colours that float around a person. Each person has a primary colour source they come from and their own personal sound.
The chakras are energy centers that act as gateways to the emotional, physical and mental bodies from the auric and spiritual bodies.
Aura-Chakra by Psychic Kalawna
Love and Light


Pushing through fears can be exhausting and crushing if one does not constantly keep balancing their outward energy with the inward source. Contemplation and meditation helps create a solid foundation. Exercise and a good raw food diet will take care of the physical and a lot of the emotional aspects of the body we host. Personal success takes discipline of denying oneself of a negative reward system and reprogramming to a healthy love relationship with oneself. At the root of every cell we are sound that sings many songs to create loops by which we live for. As in music loops are created to induce oneself into a trance. People create trillions of these loops making a very interesting song with a huge orchestra, that is you!
Change the loop then create a new pattern. Easier said than done. It takes 21 days for a new positive pattern to start looping in the brain. If a negative thought is at anytime thought during this period it will create an acid wash and destroy the link in the brain before it becomes a loop. Then it is back to the beginning again. I think this is why people become complacent with their lives and don't really want to do the work needed to become successful individuals by their personal standards. Mountains of obstacles for some and invigorating challenges for others. Perspective to downsize monumental tasks makes all massive challenges become easier solutions.
If one thinks it is easy to change then optimism wins and pessimism becomes an old loop that easily dissolves. Best wishes for you Transformation.
Daily meditations; Galactic Majik
Perspective + Meditation = Solid Foundation
Love and light

Monday, March 8, 2010

What is on the horizon.

There is a massive change in consciousness on this planet. Some people can change with the flow and others need drastic measures to adjust to a new way of life. The challenges are only going to grow stronger as these shifts happen. They are called growing pains but on a much larger scale, the earth. These earth quakes also intensify the angry energy until it finds an outlet. When people start really getting angry again then wait for the release somewhere in the world. People that are healers are radically cleaning up their lives as they know they are being called to something. I personally believe this something is going to be quite catastrophic but until then I will just stay in denial thanks. This is another reason for these souls to want to speed up their work here because they may not be here for long.
O-kay this is harsh and hopefully everything is going to change with rose petals and lolly pops.
I would think,"Rome" is about to fall economically. This is in reference to our world economy which is about to fall within five years. They will have something to back it up but only if you have the means otherwise one will have to rely on community for support. This is why it is important to start community gardens and water storage places. This means not relying on the Government to fix the problems and start the change we wish to see now.
This means people are being challenged to face their demons and deal with them. A nice transition is dealing with your demons now instead of when it is really insane out in the public. Meditation and proper nutrition will help balance a person through these changes on this planet.
People are evolving now using more of their brain capacity such as telepathy as a means of communication. This is also making a lot of people go off the deep end because it is opening their minds to alternate realities and dimensions which don't fit their normal construct of reality. This can be confusing to the average Jo that just wants to feed his family.
I would suggest people start eating and exercising well. Then meditating and fallowing your instincts as long as this doesn't hurt or infringe on anyone else. Going with the flow and not forcing situations and lots of relaxed breathing. Being centered as much as you can be.
When light is around you it will protect you if that is your destiny.
Blessings and enjoy all the beauty in life.