
Ghostly experiences:

This was a Channeling I did for a lovely lady who asked about her father.

There was a spirit who was being chased by an Indian and he kept running away from this guy. He wouldn’t go to the light because he didn’t know what it was. The Indian was his spirit guide who was trying to help him. His daughter who came to me asked how he was doing. When I communicated with him and told him his guide was there to help him he was quite surprised. Felt sorry for the guide who was chasing him everywhere.

Haunted house clearing-NOT recommended doing at all.

This woman called explaining she had malevolent spirits in her house. The spirits were physically hurting her kids and terrorizing everyone at night. She called a Catholic Priest and even he wouldn’t take on such a project.
There were quite a few spirits in the house but one was really mean. One night the mother stood up to the ghost and demanded him to leave the house. She turned off the light and walked away. Then the light turned back on. The mother turned only to see the window steamed up from the inside with a nasty reply written on it.
We cleared out the first bunch of spirits then the mean one came through. He was angry but with some encouragement we convinced him to tell us his story.
When he was alive as a child his parents would beat him relentlessly almost every day of his life. As an adult he was a hermit and when he went walking the kids would through rocks at him or call him names. People were very unkind and cruel to him. He had never experienced a single day of love in his life. Then while walking home one day he saw a little girl by the creek. She held her hand up with love to him and said,” Hi.” When he felt this love all this crazy rage whirled up inside of him and he attacked the girl and killed her.
Now that he is dead he didn’t want to go to the light because he thought God would punish him and send him to Hell. Then the little girl came and held out her hand to him and said,” I forgive you and it is time for you to come home.” The spirit was so ashamed that he could, nor wouldn’t take the girls hand. With a little coaching and encouragement from us he finally did. When he took her hand everything in my minds eye lit right up and this amazing and wonderful non-judging and loving feeling was so present. Nothing here on earth in this dimension could ever feel as good as that did. Then he was gone and the house was quiet.
It sure taught me to not be so quick to judge another, as we have no right. I’m not perfect and still do but I try not to.